About name and address marking

Nim Distribution delivers more than newspapers. We also distribute advertisements, free newspapers, community information, postal mail and postal packages. As a certified postal operator we follow the regulations of the PTS (Swedish Post and Telecom Authority).

For residents in a house/rowhouse

Mark your mailbox clearly with the address on the front of the box. It is required for distribution of addressed mail and parcels.

Please note! Always mark the front of your mailbox and not the top. Otherwise the information will be covered when winter comes.

For residents in apartment buildings

If the building property has property boxes for mail then we will deliver addressed mail and parcels there, otherwise in the mail slot on the apartment doors. It is important that all surnames of the people living on the address in question be marked on the property box for mail or on the mail slot on the door. It is required for distribution of addressed mail and parcels.

Would you like to stop receiving addressed advertisement?

Unregister yourself at NIX adresserats spärregister.

Would you like to stop receiving non-addressed advertisement?

Put up a sign ’’Nej till reklam’’ (No advertisement) on the front of your mailbox or near to your mail slot on the door.
Apartment buildings with property boxes for mail are to be marked on the inside of the box.

Would you like to stop receiving free newspapers?

Put up a sign, ’’Nej tack till gratistidningar’’ (No thanks to free newspapers) on the front of your mailbox or near to your mail slot on the door.
Apartment buildings with property boxes for mail are to be marked on the inside of the box.

You cannot cancel deliveries of community information, it is covered by regulation of the press and the constitutional law on freedom of expression.